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Health Benefits of Drinking Water in Copper Bottle/Glasses

Copper is essential trace mineral of living organism, It is found mainly in brain, liver, skeletal muscle, skin and bones. Human body requires copper for general growth and health. Daily recommendation of copper is 900 μg for men and woman.

Copper Deficiency is rare but occurs when people is highly undernourished. Also Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer lead with copper deficiency.

Here are some health benefits of drinking water in copper vessels

Slow down aging- Copper helps to prevent skin ageing, it plays a important role to maintain elastin and collagen, both proteins are required for skin strength. Without copper, body cannot replace damage tissue. Also copper produce melanin which is a skin pigment which protects skin from UV rays and it also reduces the risk of skin cancer.

Beats Anemia- Copper is essential nutrients to build red blood cell and it also helps for iron absorption.

Copper reduce risk of cardiovascular disease- Copper deficiency can raise total cholesterol and increase the susceptibility of lipo proteins to oxidation, two key features that increase IHD risk. Dietary copper or copper supplementation may thus beneficially impact these risk factors without any of the side effects.

Boost your immune system and anti properties- Copper has anti bacterial, anti inflammatory and anti viral properties, which will help to detox your digestive system and boost your immune system as well.

Fight with cancer- Copper helps to fight cancer as copper has very strong antioxidant which fights with free radicals and also help in formation of new cells

Helps in weight loss- Since copper has good tuning with digestive system which helps to boost metabolism and help in fat loss, drinking water in copper vessels is good for weight loss.

Top 10 Copper Rich Foods

  1. Dark chocolate (Coca Powder)- 3.8 mg/100 mg

  2. Mushroom-5.3 mg/100 mg

  3. Sesame Seeds-4.1 mg/100 mg

  4. Sunflower Seeds-1.8 mg/100 mg

  5. Sun Dried Tomatoes-1.4 mg/100 mg

  6. Cashew Nuts-2.0 mg/100 mg

  7. Hazelnuts- 2.0 mg/100 mg

  8. Fish (oyster) -7.2 mg/100 mg

  9. Flax seeds- 1.2 mg/100 mg

  10. Pine nuts- 1.8 mg/100 mg

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